Fantasist's Scroll

Fun, Fiction and Strange Things from the Desk of the Fantasist.


Gutenberg’s Bible On-line

Filed under: — Posted by the Fantasist during the Hour of the Dragon which is in the early morning.
The moon is Waning Crescent

The first movable type Bible available for free.

Gutenberg is widely aknowledged as the first Westerner to use movable type, an achievement that changed our world. His biggest seller was the world’s best selling book, the Holy Bible. Now, thanks to Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas in Austin, the Gutenberg Bible is available on-line.
It’s worth a look, even if you’re not Christian, just for the historical significance.

1 Comment

  1. I am a Hindu. The very look at the sacred book has given me a spiritual stimulus. The technology, the endeavourof medival genius of mankind , the very printing, the illustration and above all the ingenuity and a divine call of the heart must be behind the printing. This look at the Holy Book shows why the printing of books had ushered in a new era in humna knowledge dissemination. It is a treasure of the Human race , no doubt. Thank you for the opportunity to browse.

    Comment by Gautam Debnath — 4/8/2004 @ 12:35 am

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