Fantasist's Scroll

Fun, Fiction and Strange Things from the Desk of the Fantasist.


Welcome to the New Fantasist’s Scroll

Filed under: — Posted by the Fantasist during the Hour of the Pig which is late at night.
The moon is a Third Quarter Moon

Hey, I made my decision!
Clearly, we’ve gone with WordPress. But, also, I decided to combine the two blogs into one. Frankly, my fiction blog was rather sparse anyway, so I figured there wasn’t any harm in combining them into one.

What to do…

Filed under: — Posted by the Fantasist during the Hour of the Hare which is in the early morning.
The moon is a Third Quarter Moon

Okay, so I’m at a bit of a cross-roads…

I have a couple of choices here. I want to move to Word Press for my blogging system, because I like it better than MovableType. And, no, not just because of the MT pricing structure, either. I like the interface and how easy it is to code up plugins for WP. The only problem is WP only supports one blog per installation. In other words, I’d have to install WP twice to host two blogs. Not a big deal, I guess, but I have this blog and a fiction blog and an idea for another blog. Of course, the fiction blog has languished somewhat, so I suppose I could just roll it into this one. I mean, I only have three or four stories and a couple of haiku. Then, I could install WP a second time for my third blog experiment, which is logical in a way…

Well, I’m not sure what I want to do, but I want to do something and soon.

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